UBC7: Feels like home

Since I left Bangalore, I’ve been on a break from kitchen duties and I’ve realized that as much as I enjoy my role as head chef; deciding the Foodmenu and looking up recipes, having my mother and mother-in-law make their specialties while I played chief taster, was a great change…

Back in the kitchen, I made crumb-coated chicken with mashed potatoes and broccoli.

When my husband, who had been living on his own till I joined him, smiled a big old smile when he saw what was for lunch, I had to ask, “It does feel like home, doesn’t it?”


Written for Write Tribes 100 Words on Saturday as well as part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.


14 comments on “UBC7: Feels like home

  1. Tina says:

    aww.. so cute, it must be feeling like home, there is no alternative to home cooked yum food. All the best


  2. Shilpa Garg says:

    The husband’s smile said it all. There’s nothing like good home cooked food especially for a ‘forced’ bachelor 🙂


  3. shanx says:

    Home, food, and Love. Need you ask more? Good one 🙂


  4. catchats says:

    Great use of the prompt. Nothing like our comfort food cooked by us to make it feel like we’re home. Awwww!


  5. Shalzzz says:

    The pic looks yum!! I need the recipe!! 😉
    I’m sure your husband would have been waiting to have “homely”- oops, wifely food!! 🙂


  6. I love your post !
    Follow me please ! 😉


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