Unsung Heroes

She looked out her window shaking her head. “Why is that still here?!?”icon-36103_640

“Old guy died. They’ll send…”

She collapsed into a chair…for years he had been a permanent fixture, quietly collecting their trash. She thought she should send his family flowers. But she realized she knew nothing about him…she hadn’t even learnt his name.


For the people we take for granted. The security guards at our apartments and offices, the house-keeping staff at our workplaces, the people who collect the garbage and the ones who clean the drains. The unsung heroes in our modern-day fast-paced lives.

Thank you.

16 comments on “Unsung Heroes

  1. numerounity says:

    Yes, you are right indeed. We take people for granted. Esp these people who a lot of times help us…Sad to know such cases. May his soul RIP.
    It’s a wonderful post that you have written.



    • Preeti says:

      The story was a work of fiction. But it is true that we often realize our mistakes way too late.
      People who are forced to do the jobs that others dont want to even go near are very often the reason we have comfortable lives.
      Thank you for taking the time to read!


  2. absolutely … these people help the city and our homes clean and secured … but when there absence is inevitable we release their worth …


  3. aamjunta says:

    Life is quite different for different people. As you said, some time we just ignore many things and many people in the way. It is our just chalta hai attitude; manav dharm kahan kho gaye….


  4. Harsha says:

    Indeed We never realize the Importance of People whom we take fro granted until they are away from us..Very Thoughtful


  5. Unfortunately, most of us never recognise them as humans.
    Nice tribute to those beleaguered people. Kudos!


  6. sharu4ever says:

    So true ! Sad fact. 😦


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