

Copyright Bjorn Rudberg

Move in with me!” he’d said pointing out his place; tucked away from the rest of mankind.
Just you, me and that breath-taking view? Of course Mr. Romantic!

Soon romance was the last thing on her mind for with the world so far below them; no one could ever hear her scream.

That morning, the face looking back from the mirror was unrecognizable and she knew she couldn’t take it anymore. But was there
anywhere he wouldn’t find her…?

She took a breath and stepped off the edge of that beautiful mountain. He’d never be able to follow her there.


Written for Friday Fictioneers. It’s a little dark, but, it’s what came to mind when I saw the image. You can check out the other brilliant contributions this week here.

32 comments on “Follow

  1. Reminds me of the story I wrote for FF a couple weeks ago – Flight. The desperation is awful. Well done.


  2. Preeti, We see and read that type of sad ending far to often these days. We just hope it doesn’t happen to us or someone we’re close to. Well written. 🙂 —Susan


  3. Shalzzz says:

    Sad ending!! Not a fan of that! But you’ve beautifully penned! Keep writing Preeti! ❤


  4. sharu4ever says:

    Such intensity Preeti. I’m loving your words and thought process!! Great one !!


  5. Dear Preeti,

    Sad story. Reality for too many.




  6. “Move in with me” can be considered for some to be famous last words 😉


  7. Elizabeth says:

    I’m sure it’s a non-fiction story for many women.


  8. Tragic but powerfully expressed.


  9. shanx says:

    And here I was expecting romantic tale as I started 😀 The last line has the right amount of feel Preeti 🙂


  10. uma says:

    Oh no..why her? she could have pushed him off instead?!


  11. nabanita21 says:

    Ohh my God…such a sad thing..but beautifully done..


  12. WeeBitHillandGlen says:

    Dark, yes, but if that’s where it takes you …

    From only 100 words, I’m wishing I knew her name and some way to help her!


  13. Maree Gallop says:

    Very deep and oppressive story, well written. I enjoyed reading. Yes, he probably won’t find her in the scrub!


  14. Chris says:

    Oh how things can change so dramatically for the worse. A sad story 😦


  15. Locked in at the mercy of his fists.. devastating last line… and to often the truth,


Would love to hear what you think!