

Copyright Bjorn Rudberg

Move in with me!” he’d said pointing out his place; tucked away from the rest of mankind.
Just you, me and that breath-taking view? Of course Mr. Romantic!

Soon romance was the last thing on her mind for with the world so far below them; no one could ever hear her scream.

That morning, the face looking back from the mirror was unrecognizable and she knew she couldn’t take it anymore. But was there
anywhere he wouldn’t find her…?

She took a breath and stepped off the edge of that beautiful mountain. He’d never be able to follow her there.


Written for Friday Fictioneers. It’s a little dark, but, it’s what came to mind when I saw the image. You can check out the other brilliant contributions this week here.

UBC17: Whistling

As usual, she was standing by the gate. He walked towards her, trying to whistle nonchalantly sadly only feeble sounds escaped his lips so he stopped. His heart was beating out of his chest but he knew that there could be no one else more perfect for him.

Doubt began creeping in…what if she said no? It was too late to turn back because he had reached her and she’d raised those perfect eyebrows at him quizzically.

“Want to watch a movie with me?”, he stammered.

She smiled shyly. “Alright…”

He grinned and walked away, whistling strongly this time.


This post was written for Velvet Verbosity’s 100 word challenge – “Whistling” as well as for the Ultimate Blog Challenge.
