
The sky…sun
Upon her face,
a soft, tender breeze.
Closes tired eyes. Sighs.
Too many loud voices sound,
her precious dream interrupted…img_2302
Peering at all the strange animals
through glass so thick to separate them
At each she gazes intently
Primped and preened are all of them.
Quickly they pass her by.
Wistfully she stares…
They can all leave
while always,
she must



We took our daughter to the wildlife sanctuary a few weekends ago and we saw a brown bear perched high on a ledge looking out of its enclosure at the world outside. For some reason, it made me very uncomfortable and I felt somewhat responsible for its captivity. 😕

This piece is what came of that feeling. It’s written in a reverse nonet style where every line has an increasing (or decreasing) number of syllables, not words, from 1 to 9 and back to 1 again.

Would love to hear what you think!