What a night!

I know I’m in the middle of a story series and for those of you lovely people who are following along everyday as I publish a new chapter, I will tell you more about Emily and her journey tomorrow. I had to pause and tell you about last night!

Bahrain, the tiny little island on which my family has lived now for a little over three years, hosted its first international jazz festival! The husband and I heard of the festival in early September but, as with most things we figured that we would go and buy tickets img_9661only closer to the show if we really wanted to go…

Fast forward to last night, the 6th of October, the day of the festival and the two of us still didn’t have tickets and were still unsure about going. Although the gates opened at 11 AM and performances began at noon, at 5:30 in the evening, the two of us were sipping on tea trying to decide whether we would enjoy doing the grocery shopping for the week and playing a game of scrabble after or actually going to the show. Fortunately, tickets were available at the venue and we made the effort to attend the jazz festival.

We arrived in time to catch the last three acts. I wish we had reached in time to watch the Speakeasies, a Greek swing jazz band, play their whole set, but we didn’t. We heard them belt out their last three or four numbers and my otherwise stick-to-mamma-in-a-crowd little one was on her feet dancing in no time.

The next band to play were the Ska Vengers who had music that was a very interesting fusion of old style Indian sounds, Cuban, jazz and rap among other things and they had everyone dancing along; including my daughter who tried very hard to imitate the movements of their lead singer. 😀

The final act was the Electric Swing Circus and not only did they make amazing music on stage they were also extremely entertaining. Unfortunately, attending a show that late in the night with a toddler has its limitations and my daughter had had enough. So, we left before they finished.

However, I have two regrets. One, I think I should have taken pictures. I was so busy enjoying myself that I didn’t take out my phone. Two, which is my bigger regret: We missed the rest of the performances. If they were anything like the last three acts, they would have been worth watching, even if they were playing in the middle of the afternoon in the open air.

For my two and a half year old and I – a thirty-one year old – it was our first “concert” experience. (Don’t judge on either counts…) We had a fabulous time! Sitting on the grass, dancing to some great music, munching on good food, sipping cold drinks, enjoying the kid’s play area AND listening to amazing music.

Well done Bahrain!

What a night!!


Come back tomorrow to find out what happens to Emily!

Am posting everyday in an attempt to complete the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month.

D is for Dance

He was sitting at the table watching the celebrations when the band began to play his favourite song. His eyes glazed over with memories. How many evenings had they danced to that tune together? How many times had he whirled her in his arms? His eyes automatically searched the crowded room for her. When he spotted her, her arm was linked through his and she was laughing. She had forgotten. He sighed and smiled a little sadly; she’d dance with him now.

He had turned away when suddenly, “Daddy! That’s our song! Aren’t you going to ask me to dance?!”



Image courtsey: bridalmusings.com

Written for ABC Wednesday “D is for…”

abc15 (1)