Winter is coming

No offense Game of Thrones fans, couldn’t resist using that as my title when it is so apt for my post today. Well…I think it is anyway.

img_0719Those of you who have been reading my posts through October know that I joined a group of women as part of the Learn and Serve initiative. Well, I’ve finally completed what I set out to do early last month and I feel good. Plus, for me it was delightful (no other way to describe it) to watch absolute novices go from not knowing how to make a chain on their crochet hook to finishing sixty inch long mufflers complete with tassels! Some of the women even want to move on to making caps. I am not even their teacher but I still feel proud of them.

I don’t have photos of their work, so you’ll have to make do with just mine. For now.

The temperature is falling here in Bahrain and the days are growing shorter. Just in time for winter, we’ve completed our project and hopefully will bring a little warmth to those who need it most this season. Did I mention I feel good? 🙂

Learn and Serve

October is shaping up to be a good month for me. First it was the experience of the Jazz Festival and now, being part of the learn and serve initiative.

Learn and Serve has been around for a while now. Since its inception, every year groups of women get together to learn how to knit or crochet. Quick and simple projects like scarves and beanies are chosen. The finished product is distributed among construction workers as well as among people in cancer wards just before winter sets in here in Bahrain.

It’s a great cause and yesterday I was able to attend my first session. The lovely ladies who attended it with me are in the picture.


Now, I’m not exactly a beginner. I first picked up a crochet hook when I was pregnant with my little one, in 2015. I had this idea in my head that I would bond so much better with her if I had made blankets and mittens and little bonnets for her myself. So, before her arrival I managed to make two little blankets and a few amigurumi toys. Once tiny made her appearance though, my hook, much like all other aspects of my life became neglected and I only picked it up again when I wanted to make a graphgan of Jimi Hendrix for the husbands birthday last year. (His birthday is coming around again in a couple of weeks and that graphgan is…well…perhaps I can give it to him as a Christmas present this year!) Anyhow…

Am so glad that I decided to stop being lazy and to be a part of Learn and Serve this year. Hopefully, the cap that I’m making will keep someone nice and warm in the cold winter months ahead.


Come back tomorrow to find out what happened to Emily after her wedding ceremony. To read all that has happened to Emily so far, click here.

Post 11 of 31 of the UBC this month. Nearly at the halfway mark! Closer and closer to completion I get everyday! Yay!