Emily: Chapter Thirteen



Emily had to resign from her job when she got married and so for the first few months after the wedding, she enjoyed her time off and loved her new role as ‘Mrs. Mendonca: Wife and Homemaker’. She found joy in the littlest things, like being introduced as Ethan’s wife to his colleagues, or arranging the photo frames and cook books on the shelves she had put up by herself. It was such a drastic change from the mundane old nine to five routine that she had been used to that she had a lot more fun than she thought she would.

There were many times during those initial months when meals were left half eaten as even something as small as a gentle caress of the shoulder or an accidental touch or even a certain look would catapult the two of them into each other’s arms and into their bedroom. On some days, the ones she loved best, they weren’t able to restrain themselves till they got to their bedroom.

However, all good things come to an end and that phase didn’t last as long as Emily would have liked. Once Ethan got involved in his work full-time again; he became very busy at the hospital and was on call all night at least four times a week. Emily spent most days with only the oven for company and meals that had once been left uneaten thanks to urges of the flesh, were left untouched because Ethan was home only in time for breakfast.

During the day, when she had very little to keep herself occupied, Emily went for long walks in the park near their apartment. One afternoon, she chanced upon a group of women playing basketball. Wonderful memories of matches she had played all through school and college came flooding back and without really knowing what she was doing, an otherwise reserved Emily called out to them. “Can I play?”

“Sure! We could use another player. We’re usually two against three – would be good to even up the odds.” A tall young woman, the others called Leanne, with short hair dyed deep purple shouted back.

Emily ran onto the court to join the game. Her team lost, but she had more fun than she had had on her own in a long time.

A great camaraderie formed among the women in a short time even though they were all in different places in their lives. Emily was able to escape a little of her loneliness thanks to their company. Yet, she was bored at home the rest of the day and it wasn’t long before she was wishing she was back at a desk in front of a computer screen again.

After about six months of refreshing her e-mail every half an hour hoping to see a response from one of the companies to whom she had sent her resume, it came. Emily made it through a grueling three rounds of interviews and landed a great job. She loved being back at work, even though it meant that she had to give up her trips to the basketball court. Sadly, with time, she lost touch with almost all the women with whom she once played.

Life fell into an easy, pleasant routine. On the commute back from work, Emily would think about what she could make to tantalize the taste-buds and would scour the internet for interesting recipes. Whenever Ethan was at home, he enjoyed her culinary masterpieces and slept on a content stomach. Unfortunately, he was usually at the hospital.

Being as busy as he was, Emily noticed that apart from everything else, even their love-making began to follow a schedule – once a week, on a weekend and sometimes not even then if Ethan was at work. She had got the idea that men spent a lot of their day thinking about sex from all those sitcoms and soap operas she had watched over the years. Ethan appeared to be an exception to that general rule. She was finally forced to conclude that for him, a relationship was much more than sex and his work, she thought despondently, was probably a little bit more important to him than that. Besides, she reminded herself, the passion he had for research in his field was one of the reasons she had fallen in love with him in the first place. So, she didn’t question but accepted it, as the priest had advised in his homily on their wedding day.


Still more Emily to come tomorrow. Hope you’re enjoying the story so far. Click here to catch up!

Post 16! UBC…I’ve gone past the halfway mark!!

UBC26: Adviceadda

When I was growing up, turning to the internet to find a solution to my problems was a dangerous thing. As tempting as the Google search bar was (and sometimes still is) it was not the best place to find out how to fix my life. So, from small things like pimples to larger issues like career choices and boys, I only had a few people to ask and the advice I got was usually based on personal experience not expertise. But, times have changed…and how!

Adviceadda is India’s first website specifically created to help teenagers and young adults with all types of problems they might be facing. The best part is, you can raise your questions anonymously! This site is fast turning into a friend to those who feel like they are at a point in their lives when they have none. By helping the troubled youth connect with experts on a range of subjects from education, careers, fashion and lifestyle to relationships, legal counselling, sex and depression, Adviceadda has provided a sanctuary of sorts where anyone can go and receive good advice from trained people who know what they are talking about and will maintain confidentiality.

It’s a noble idea to have something so special as this up and running and I hope that more and more young people find the answers they are looking for here.

If you have the time, please check out the website and also my first contribution to a forum that wasn’t owned by me here! 🙂



UBC2: What needs to be done

He zipped his pants; she dressed, looking away from him. He was leaving as she turned. Notes lay on the floor.

She collapsed, sobbing. Why was she doing this!?!

“Mummy…”, a small voice called. “I’ll come in now?”

She looked at the daughter her husband didn’t want and knew. She would do anything for her.



Things women should know

Being a woman in a world that seems to have lost its sense of humaneness is anything but easy. We have been called the weaker sex for so long that most of us have come to accept it as the truth. But, we are so much stronger than the men who called us weak in the first place. Sure, we might cry at romantic movies and we may struggle to carry heavy things and blink at discussions involving bikes and cars but that doesn’t make us weak…women are the child-bearing gender remember?

Too many men have forgotten that we are amazing beings…but unfortunately, they aren’t the only ones. There are so many women who seem to have forgotten it too… As a result, we end up doing things simply because we think it’s what is expected because we are female. We question everything about ourselves, from our looks to our capabilities and rarely, if ever, take compliments seriously. We even assume that when something bad happens to us, it’s probably because we did something wrong in the first place…how much longer will we treat ourselves like that??

So, I sat myself down, thought about it and figured these are seven things (among others) that I think all women should know:

1. There is nothing wrong with saying NO…in fact, if you are with some one who really loves you, he / she will respect you red-39951_640and your decision. If the other person doesn’t and pressures you into doing something you really aren’t comfortable with, you need to get out that relationship and get yourself away from that person. You always have a choice.

2.  When a person who is physically stronger than you takes advantage of you, it is NOT YOUR FAULT. I hate that politics and our society say different. The way you dress, the food you eat or the way you walk is no reason for anyone to hurt you. It is a shameful thing to happen…but not for you…for him! Remember that if, God forbid, something like that ever happens to you, your world has not ended. If there was any justice in the world…his should.

3. Contrary to what certain products claim, you don’t need to be fair to be considered lovely nor will the use of a particular brand of sanitary napkin guarantee your success in the world. The television airing those advertisements is called an idiot box for a reason. You truly want to make it big in this world and do something that future generations will remember you by? Then go on ahead and do it….nothing and no one can stop you, except you.

4. Learn how to be independent. It is so important to learn how to do things on your own. Learn how to drive, fix small things in your house, go for a movie alone and eat at a restaurant by yourself among other things. You shouldn’t always need someone to look after you…you are stronger than you give yourself credit. But, that being said, we do not live in a secure world so be ever aware of your surroundings and stay safe…which brings me to my next point…

stick-31346_6405. I really really think that every woman needs to learn at least the basics of some form of self-defence. There is no better way of keep safe than by knowing how to kick some ass if you have to. I wish they would make karate/judo classes compulsory for girls in school instead of just dance and music. The art of self-defence is so important given the state of things…

6. Pursue your passions. A lot of women tend to give up things they love to do because their husbands and children consume their lives. Remember, you are just as important as your family is.

7. Finally, ladies, remember that there aren’t a whole lot of men who can do all the things you do each day as efficiently or as well as you do…you are perfect and never let anything convince you otherwise. You are real live “superwomen”…it’s just that your capes are invisible…


I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 1st – 7th September 2013.

Write Tribe